Privacy policy
If you have any questions or comments please contact us at warroombulletin@gmail.com. Our privacy policy is relatively simple: We, at Nightingale Games LLC, collect no information whatsoever about you, unless you take one of the following actions (see below more info about each):
Follow us on Instagram
Back us on Kickstarter
Subscribe to us on YouTube
Subscribe to us on Twitch
Make a donation on KO-FI
We have no control over what Wix does with their cookies and whatnot. (This is true for any external corporate behemoth that we use.) Wix is our website hosting service. Wix is used by lots of businesses and is very reputable as far as we are aware. Here is a link to their Privacy Policy, some which might only pertain to customers of Wix: https://www.wix.com/about/privacy
Our forum at www.nightingale-games.com is a fairly new experiment (as of 2020) so it is a little quiet, and we mostly defer to the BGG game specific forums for our games. Eventually we might add badges. Our forum is serviced by Wix. As far as we are aware, the forum only displays your chosen username and any optional avatar image i.e., your email is NOT publicly visible. We have to approve each new member individually and so we can view your email at that time of approval, but we do NOT use such 'forum-approval emails' for any other purpose. We reserve the right to delete posts or ban any member for any reason. If you see naughty posts let us know immediately by emailing warroombulletin@gmail.com or reporting the post using the "report" button. There are controls to edit notifications in your profile and an option to make your profile private. Feel free to 'follow' Nightingale Games LLC for any official posts.
If you subscribe to our War Room Bulletin, then you may get emails from us occasionally. Always make sure the email address is actually us and not a nefarious poser before following any links. We haven't had any problems so far (knock on wood). The newsletter is serviced by Mailchimp, and you should be able to unsubscribe at any time. We do not use the emails collected for any other purpose than to send you our newsletter. However, Mailchimp may collect and use information as posted here: https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy/ Note: It might be confusing to discern whom exactly these policies pertain to (Mailchimp business customers such as Nightingale Games LLC vs newsletter recipients, such as yourself).
[Tom's note: Facebook is not my friend. But I grudgingly admit it is handy at times for developing a community of sorts, so we have 2 pages and a group.] We don't collect information from Facebook profiles for use outside of Facebook. So that means you may get targeted ads from us in your Facebook feed because the FB marketing robots tell us you might be interested. If you are not interested, then we apologize. Facebook has controls to somewhat improve your ad content. We are basically a tiny gnat riding on the giant cow of Facebook that slowly chews on the soul of humanity. Anyway... we have a page for War Room and a page for Nightingale Games LLC. As far as the group, each member must be approved by us in order to join the War Room group. We may try to cull obsolete members which show as having inactive fb accounts or block 'do-badders'. Facebook has controls to flag naughty posts which will in turn notify a moderator. We will likely add a group for Imperial Borders in 2021. Facebook's privacy policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php
We have an Instagram account. Every now and then we'll post a picture. That's about it. We do not collect any personal information from our Instagram site. Instagram's privacy policy: https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875
In order to ship you a product we need your personal information such as shipping address, billing address, contact phone number, and email. We use this information expressly for shipping products and customer support. We use the built-in tools of Shopify to determine shipping costs from carriers and print shipping labels. Occasionally we transfer information to enter it manually at UPS.com (a shipping carrier) or a warehouse shipping service such as Quartermaster Logistics. Otherwise, we do not export or collect any information whatsoever from Shopify. Shopify has features that let us see the worldwide location of active customers currently browsing or checking out. We don't use that information for anything other than getting excited that someone, somewhere might be about to purchase one of our products. Shopify also has analytics that let us view popular source links that led to our Shopify site. That kind of statistical information is not linked to specific customers as far as I can tell. The analytics are not all that helpful to us, frankly. So to reiterate, we use your information provided via Shopify to get you what you purchased and keep such information on record within Shopify and our shipping services for customer support purposes only. We do NOT transfer Shopify customer contact info to our newsletter list or anywhere else. Shopify allows us to see the last 4 CC digits and the type of CC in some cases but we can never view the entire CC# and we see no info if using Paypal Express or other such services. We never export such payment information from Shopify and haven't ever had the need to even refer to it. Shopify's privacy policy: https://www.shopify.com/legal/privacy
For those who backed us on Kickstarter we may contact you via Kickstarter concerning future Kickstarter projects or send out news updates via Kickstarter Updates. In other words, we don't use your KS contact info outside the realm of Kickstarter. We only have your shipping info on record for purposes of customer support. We don't have access to your payment info, other than the amount pledged, as that is all controlled by Kickstarter and its payment processing partners. We do NOT transfer KS emails to our newsletter mailing list. Kickstarter's privacy policy: https://www.kickstarter.com/privacy
I'm really annoyed with YouTube's new terms going into effect in late 2020. These terms allow YouTube to place ads on videos that aren't part of their YouTube Partner Program. That sucks for those of us who do not want to monetize from our clips, but our fans are still subjected to annoying ads. Anyway, we don't collect any personal information from our YouTube viewers. We observe the number of views and try to respond to comments, but that's it. If you write a nasty comment, that might get automatically filtered into limbo. We reserve the right to remove comments for any reason or block users, but we haven't yet. YouTube's terms: https://www.youtube.com/static?template=terms
We live-streamed some War Room gameplay footage on Twitch in mid 2020. It was pretty raw. We may use Twitch again as we ramp up promotion, or not. We don't collect or use any personal information that Twitch might provide. Twitch's privacy notice: https://www.twitch.tv/p/legal/privacy-notice/
What the honkytonk is KO-FI you ask? It is a site (similar to Patreon) that we use to collect contributions to fund the development of virtual editions of War Room on Tabletopia and Tabletop Simulator. We don't use Patreon because that leans toward a recurring subscription model and we wanted to allow one-off donations. We don't have access to your payment info (other than the amount) as that is handled by KO-FI and its payment partners. We don't collect or use any personal information provided other than to reply to comments or questions. KO-FI's privacy policy: https://more.ko-fi.com/privacy
We will maintain a log of when this policy is updated.